CLASS-IX 2017-2018 LIST OF MAP ITEMS FOR SOCIAL SCIENCE Subject - History Chapter-1: The French Revolution Outline map of France (For locating and labelling/Identification) Bordeaux-Port city related to and enriched due to slave trade. Nantes -Port city related to and enriched due to slave trade Paris-the city which was in a state of alarm on the morning of July 14,1789 Marseilles -the place after which national Anthem of France got its name. Chapter-3: Nazism and the Rise of Hitler Outline map of World (For locating and labelling/Identification) 1..Major countries of Second World War Axis Powers – Germany, Italy, Japan Allied Powers – UK, France, Former USSR, USA 2. Territories under German expansion (Nazi power) Austria, Poland, Czechoslovakia(only Slovakia shown in the map), Denmark, Lithuania, France, Belgi...
Map-1 Areas of first World War on the world map... Second map is French revolution.... Only four places to be marked.... 1- Nantes 2-Bordeaux 3-Paris 4- 4-Marseilles......
Maps of Term-1 Subject - History Chapter-1: The French Revolution Outline map of France (For locating and labelling/Identification) Bordeaux Nantes Paris Marseilles Versailles Chapter-2: Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution Outline map of World (For locating and labelling/Identification) Major countries of First World War: (Central Powers and Allied Powers); Central Powers - Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey (Ottoman Empire); Allied Powers - France, England, (Russia), America Major countries of First World War: (Central Powers and Allied Powers); Central Powers - Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey (Ottoman Empire); Allied Powers - France, England, (Russia), America Subject - Geography CH-1 : INDIA-SIZE AND LOCATION India - States with Capitals, Tropic of Cancer, Standard Meridian, Southern most, northern most, eastern most and western most point of India (Location and Labelling) CH-2 : PHYSICAL FEATURES OF INDIA Mou...
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