
Showing posts from November, 2017

Question answers of Ch- Food security in India

Question.1. What is food security ? Answer . Food security means availability, accessibility and affordability of food to all people at all times. Question.2 . Name any two factors on which the food security depends upon. Answer. ( i) Buffer stock. (ii) Public Distribution System (PDS). (iii) Vigilancy of the government at the time of natural calamity. (iv) Food production. Question.3 . Name the two dimensions of hunger. Answer . Chronic : It is a consequence of diets persistently inadequate in terms of quantity and/or quality. Seasonal: It is related to the cycles of food growing and harvesting. Question.4. Mention any two factors responsible for seasonal hunger. Answer. (i) Seasonal hunger is related to the cycle of food growing and harvesting. This is prevalent in rural areas because of the seasonal nature of agricultural activities. (ii) Seasonal hunger is prevalent in urban areas due to lack of job opportunities. Question.5. Define Green Revolution. Answer . ...

Question answers of Ch-poverty as a challenge

Question .1. Define poverty? Answer : It is defined as inability to satisfy minimum human needs like food, clothing, shelter and education.   Question.2.  What is mass poverty ? Answer . Mass poverty is a situation in which a large section of people in economy are deprived of the basic necessities. Question.3.  What is BPL ? Or What is Poverty Line ? Answer . In India, the concept of Poverty line is used as a measure of absolute poverty. So BPL (Below Poverty Line) is a line which demarcate the people, who are living below the poverty from those, who are living above the poverty line. Question.4  What is the accepted average calorie requirement in India (i) In rural areas (ii) In urban areas (iii) Why calorie requirement is higher in the rural areas ? Answer . (i) 2400 calories (ii) 2100 calories (iii) Since people living in rural areas engage themselves in more physical work, so calorie requirement in rural areas is higher than in...

Question answers of Ch- Democratic rights

1.What is Amnesty International? Ans-Amenesty International ,an international human rights organization. 2.Define  rights. Ans-Rights are reasonable claims  of persons over other fellow beings over the society ,and over the government. 3.Define Fundamental Rights. Ans-The Fundamental rights  are those basic conditions  which are essential for for the overall development of a person .These are guaranteed under the constitution. 4.What is trafficking? Ans-Selling and buying of men ,women and children for immoral purposes. 5.What is Begar? Ans-Begar is a practice where the worker is forced to render service to the master free of charge or at a nominal remuneration .When this practice takes place on a life long basis,it is called the practice of bounded labour. 6.Which Rights has been called the heart and soul of our Constitution? Ans-Right to constitutional Remedies. 7.What is writ? Ans-Aformal document containing an  order of...