
Showing posts from May, 2018


          Chapter 2,History,ClassVIII Very short questions answers. Q:- When did Aurangzeb die? Ans:- In 1707. Q;-When did East India Company come to India? Ans:-In 1600 Q:-Why did European companies come to India? Ans:- For trade. Q:Name the things they wanted to import. Ans:- Silk,cotton,sandalwood,indigo,peppers,colves,cardamom and cinnamon. Q:- When did the company set up its 1st factory in India? Ans:- In   1651, on the banks of Hugli. Q:- Name the Portuguese who came to India. Ans:-Vas Coda Gama. Q:- When did Alivardi Khan die? Ans:- In 1756. Q:- When was the Battle of Plassey fought? Ans:-In 1757. Q:-Who was the commander of the company in the Battle of Plassey? Ans:- Robert Clive. Q:-Name the commander who was bribed by the company. Ans:- Mir Jafar. Q:- When was the Battle of Buxar fought? Ans:- In 1764. Q:-When did the compan...

Chapter 3(Civics) Q. Ans.( Solved)

Full Form of: EVM:-  electronic voting machine. UPA:- United Progressive Alliance. NDA:-National Democratic Alliance. MP:- Member of Parliament. MLA:-Member of Legislative assembly. INC:-Indian National Congress. BJP:-Bhartiya Janta Party. Q:- When was the Indian National Congress formed? Ans:- 28th December,1885. Q:- Discuss the composition of  the Indian Parliament. Ans:- The Indian Parliament consists of two houses-Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. Lok Sabha:- It has 545 members.543 are elected directly by the people of the country.Two members are nominated by the President.They are elected for 5 years.Minimum age for being the member of Lok Sabha is 25.The Lok Sabha is more powerful than the Rajya Sabha. RAJYA SABHA:- It has 245 members.233 are elected and 12 are nominated by the President. This is a permanent house. It cannot be dissolved One third members of the Rajya Sabha retire after every second year. Amember serves for 6 years.The Vice President is the ex-of...