Chapter 3(Civics) Q. Ans.( Solved)

Full Form of:
EVM:-  electronic voting machine.
UPA:- United Progressive Alliance.
NDA:-National Democratic Alliance.
MP:- Member of Parliament.
MLA:-Member of Legislative assembly.
INC:-Indian National Congress.
BJP:-Bhartiya Janta Party.
Q:- When was the Indian National Congress formed?
Ans:- 28th December,1885.
Q:- Discuss the composition of  the Indian Parliament.
Ans:- The Indian Parliament consists of two houses-Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha.
Lok Sabha:- It has 545 members.543 are elected directly by the people of the country.Two members are nominated by the President.They are elected for 5 years.Minimum age for being the member of Lok Sabha is 25.The Lok Sabha is more powerful than the Rajya Sabha.
RAJYA SABHA:- It has 245 members.233 are elected and 12 are nominated by the President.
This is a permanent house. It cannot be dissolved One third members of the Rajya Sabha retire after every second year. Amember serves for 6 years.The Vice President is the ex-officio chairman of the Rajya Sabha.
Q:-Which is a majority party?
Ans:- The political party which gets more than 50% seats is the majority party. It forms the government.The leader of the party is invited to form the government.
Q:-Why are some seats reserved for SCs and STs?
Ans:- The representative democracy may not produce a perfect reflection of the society.Some communities have been marginalised.To give therm proper representation some seats have been reserved for theSCs and STs.So that they can represent the Dalits and Adivasis interest in the Parliament.


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